This Saturday is my first paper and yet I haven't even start to touch my book or paper. You please teach me how la. I am so darn lazy don't know why. I really don't feel like studying. So I am surfing net and reading people's blogs all day long and today I did not defecate may be kena constipation what the hell?... =.=
Everything I do is so not excellent. I am sux. My results are not good my friendship are so so.
Recently, I borrowed one of my friend's handphone and it turned up the keypad of the phone was being exchanged by someone and I really didn't bluff my friend. What for I go and change the keypad with no reason wtf. She is still don't believe me. She said she knows I bluffed her wtf I don't even know what I bluffed. I really headache with this issue la please tell me what to do. I said I wanna buy an original cover for her but she don't want and keep saying I bluff her I wonder if things can be solved ah by saying "KAH-YEE-IS-A-LIAR" wtf. So sien with it. Also, if I were to bluff her, WHAT IS THE POINT LA!! Sien (o.O) Really fed up with her it la.
Also I really feel like go away from Kampar for at least a few months and luckily I have no short semester so I can run away from Kampar for at least 3 months yuhoo~~ You don't understand la when I was at Kampar aka UTAR (both basically are the same because Kampar is so small only everywhere you go you can see UTAR people). Even though not all UTAR-ians know me but ah most of'em know me la and I have to behave darn well to jaga my image la wtf.
I even cannot absent for ONE-CLASS WITH REASON because lecturer will say I lead the students to skip the class la wtf. Sometimes I have meeting and then no one tells the lecturer I have meeting and stupid! the lecturer thought I skip class again wtf. Come on la you have to know your class is English for Science la in foundation we have attended English Language, Writing for Science and another I forgot la something like English for communication stuffs sien! Then in degree we have to attend that class and the time for the classes is like 5.30pm-7.30pm and 4.30pm-7.30pm (tutorial) wtf. That time most of UTAR students balik rumah tidur or makan already and we are still attending this so meaningful class sien. Not only this the class till that time we have to wait for the schedule-full-with-problem's-bus and wait and wait and wait until I die la wtf. So hungry so tired some more have to wait. Eh, I really don't like the mark you gave me for my assignment1. Ya, I know my English is poor and my vocab is so sux but do you really need to gimme 10/25? omg! You can just fail my English for Science la Miss.
Life is just so wonderful la. And I don't know why I kept dreaming of Nicholas Tan Kang Aun these days again is Nicholas Tan from Klang not the Nicholas Yew from Kampar.
Oh ya, forgot to mention, I am so darn fat now la. Please still love me even I am so fat la. I really wanted to call myself 死肥婆 but everyone please remember 肥 is only for animal (ya in science Homo sapiens are also animal but anyways) please call me 死胖婆 instead to gimme some respect as a Homo sapiens la.
I think that is la I wanna continue my 堕落 already and try to eat more veges and fruits to make my colon feel more comfy and so that I can defecate la wtf.
p/s: it is up to you how you define wtf.
2 beep(s) to KahYee:
I share your pain too when I first came to Kampar, even now. The feeling of living up to people's expectation is hard. Looking for a place where no one knows who you are so that you could be yourself, for once. Just ask yourself this, when was the last time you give yourself a timeout?
But still, you should have been mentally prepared before you decide to participate for the election. Also, all those rants that you made about the campus. You have the power to change them? I mean, you ARE the president of SRC, am I right? ;)
Homo sapiens always need a break la haha.. Thanks for sharing. =) by the way, president doesn't mean anything. Really. Thing that I can do is only try very hard to help the students and get to learn as much thing as possible for myself that's all. haha.
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