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Tuesday, April 28, 2009


AT 6:58 PM
I took this yesterday when having dinner.

Apparently, my first paper was, DONE!!!!!!!!!!! wahahahhahahahaha.... Bye bye biochemistry T.T I won't miss you.

Next: Organisation and Human Resource

I love exam I love exam (gotta hypnotize myself) I love exam exam is great exam is bravo exam is beautiful exam is WOW!!!!!!!

It kills a lot of my brain cells okay. Need to procrastinate for a few hours and eat something NICE TASTY DELICIOUS only the cells will be compensated and recharged. =.=

I procrastinated from 2pm till now 7pm liao so it's around 5 hours (T.T so guilty) but never mind tonight I burn mid night oil lo not a big deal.

By the way I do not know what's wrong with my body recently.

My lips dry like the desert and it's so so so pain swelling also T.T WHY!!!!!! tell me why~~ by David Archuleta, again

Another thing, my skin, some part of my hands and legs have some red dots so itchy what's that la wahlao sien loe!!

Hmm.. Later what to eat ler so hungry and I need to wait for him to finish kick ball and wait him bath etc only can eat (hopefully) T.T

wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait........................

I am going to clean my room while I am waiting la.

K, bye.

p.s. It is proved that one week cannot lost 5kg unless I am Sammi Cheng.
p.p.s. I should appreciate cause I didn't gain weight, even 0.5kg. amitabha sweat

2 beep(s) to KahYee:

rexyion on Apr 28, 2009, 8:56:00 PM said...

you seem confident with your exam...totally unlike me...>.<

LimKahYee, Kylie on May 2, 2009, 8:32:00 PM said...

the more you read the more you know. When you study all the notes, no need to worry already cause the questions won't be unexpected. Preparation need to be done very early like week13&14. Of course, need to study hard for your coursework also lo. No worries la. Everything is going to be okaysssssssss....

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