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Monday, April 6, 2009

AT 3:41 PM
Love is like my studies, my friends, my family, my life, my lover, my everything. My live has all these. And, I love all these. This is love.

I live life fully. I do not waste any part or section of it. I would say I divided my love equally to all these. I do not bias. I give 20% each to the five I have mentioned above.

My principle of living is "Do not regret with what/how I live yesterday." Yes, DO-NOT-REGRET.

I live my life as if I am going to be dead tomorrow. That is why. I live the fullest for today.

Every morning I wake up, I am glad that I am still alive so I can love people around me with more loves.

No especially in this entry, because I give equal loves to every of it.

A short message to all my fellow friends,

I know and I understand that study is important.

Without further dragging, I have a question, if you will be dead by tomorrow, what will you do for the last few hours?
Will you still studying? Or spend the time with your be loved one?

The latter ones will be my option.

If you love, you have to not only say it out. But also express it by using your body language. Show it through actions. People sometimes cannot bear with words and words are abstract. Action speaks louder than words. Everyone knows this phrase but not everyone knows how to apply it.

p.s. I always believe no one will choose the first one. finger crossed**
p.p.s. What turf so emo this entry full with philosophies. @@

4 beep(s) to KahYee:

fat404 on Apr 6, 2009, 4:09:00 PM said...

Somehow, seeing the picture of you dancing right after reading this entry somehow make the whole finger crossing thing humourous.

Damson on Apr 6, 2009, 4:49:00 PM said... if you treat them equally...I suggest you treat them all with 100% coz it has no different there...if you get what I mean...

It is true though...I guess there will never be a single human would like to study still...if they have only a few hours left...I am latter 1

Lim Kah Wei, Kathy on Apr 6, 2009, 6:12:00 PM said...

I also want people to love me! <3

I thought of having a boyfriend de. But.. maybe i am too 'nv qiang ren' type, boys are scared away. lol.

I am not cute.
I am not as pretty and as sexy as u.
I am not taller than u.
I am many more. HAHAAA

eh, why last week papa suddenly asked me "u have chu lian qing ren b4?" O.o

The Khang on Apr 12, 2009, 12:31:00 PM said...

If one more person in this world think like this, one degree of love increases to this world...
But most of them are egoism...
Yes, DO-NOT-REGRET; but how many can do that? But somehow, i totally agree with you...

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